The Royal Family

The Activity Duchess Kate And Princess Charlotte Love Doing Together

Princess Charlotte has interesting love of spiders, a fact well known by royals fans. The little royal even mentioned it to sir David Attenborough during an interview that the three children did with the naturalist last year. And from her love of spiders comes her favorite outdoor activity- hunting them.

Katie Nicholl, royal expert, while speaking to OK! about Kate Middleton and Prince William’s approach to home-schooling their children, revealed that the couple frequently goes on “spiders hunting” with their daughter.

Nicholl explains: “Kate has been interested in how outdoor learning can benefit children. She got to meet children who had lessons outside and ask how they enjoyed it. She saw the benefit first-hand.

“Kate is aware of screen time and tries to limit the children being exposed to too much. When the children have a break, she takes them outside, come rain or shine.”

“She wants them to get fresh air and be in nature. She loves to pick vegetables with them in the gardens. If they are learning about rivers or the sea, she and William try to incorporate that into their walks.

“Charlotte is a massive fan of spiders and loves looking at them and learning about them, so they go on spider hunts so that she can see them up close and then let them go.”

“Kate and William are very involved with the children’s schooling,” Nicholl said. According to the royal expert, the way the Cambridge couple approach their children’s education directly played a role in choosing the school they would attend, saying: “Thomas’s Battersea expects a hands-on approach from parents; that’s part of the reason they picked it.”

But how are they feeling about online school? It seems that it’s not going too badly for Kate and William, I mean have you heard about a royal with unstable internet, preposterous.

“George and Charlotte are studious and love to learn, so they are pretty self-sufficient when it comes to Zoom learning,” Nicholl said.

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