Why William And Kate Won’t Send Charlotte Back To School When It Opens
Earlier this month, it was revealed that Princess Charlotte could be back in class very soon. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced he aims to restart schools next month, explaining that the reopening would include sending reception, Year 1 and Year 6 pupils back first
The young Princess is in reception class at Thomas’s school in Battersea, while her brother George is in year 2. And according to the Sunday Times, their school plans to follow Government guidelines when they do their phased return.

Although Charlotte could technically start school at that point, now it has been revealed that Prince William and Kate are considering keeping her at home. The royal couple wants to continue homeschooling their daughter until their son George can return to school too. They want to keep their children together so that they can maintain their lockdown routine amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Prince William and Kate, who have been isolating in Anmer Hall, Norfolk, since the beginning of the lockdown, have often talked about what it’s like homeschooling Prince George and Princess Charlotte.
In an interview with BBC Breakfast in April, Kate confessed that they hadn’t told their oldest children it’s Easter holidays so they could continue to homeschool. Kate said: “Don’t tell the children but we’ve actually kept it going through the holidays, I feel very mean”.

She added: “The children have got such stamina I don’t know-how. Honestly. You get to the end of the day and you write down the list of all the things that you’ve done on that day.
“You pitch a tent, you take the tent down again. Cook, bake. You get to the end of the day… they’ve had a lovely time. But it is amazing how much you can cram into that one day, that’s for sure”.

Kate also revealed that George and Charlotte were learning Dame Vera Lynn’s famous anthem We’ll Meet Again in time for VE Day. She said: “The school has sent all the children a challenge, and they’re currently learning the lyrics to the song ‘We’ll Meet Again’. It’s been really lovely having that playing every day.”