The Royal Family

How To Send Letter To The Duchess Of Cambridge

Social media and instant messaging have unmistakably put a dent in physical mail sent between people, but it hasn’t gone the way of the dodo just yet. Receiving a note from the Duchess of Cambridge might be a dream come true for a royal fan, but how would you go about writing a letter to the Duchess in the first place?

Currently, there is no e-mail address, Facebook or Twitter (aside from the Kensington Royal account) for the Duke or Duchess of Cambridge, as such you can only contact them through letters. This, perhaps outdated, protocol adds even more charm to royal mail along with a red royal wax seal.

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However, there are some rules and protocols to follow when writing the royals.

Let’s start with the layout, your address should be in the top right-hand corner, followed by the date, aligned on the right. The first sentence should always be indented, roughly to where the comma on the introduction is. Sign your letter with your full name, as well as your title: Mr, Mrs, Dr. etc. Children should include their age.

Moving on to language, start your letter with “Your Royal Highness,” or “Dear Madam,” and end it with Yours Sincerely,” or “Most Sincerely”. When you want to use the pronoun ‘you’, instead use ‘Your Royal Highness’.

Fun fact, when addressing the Queen you should close your letter with ‘I have the honour to be, Madam, Your Majesty’s humble and obedient servant’.

The first paragraph should be a brief explanation of what you wish to say in the rest of the letter, but writing ‘I am writing about…’ is considered poor form.

So what should you write about? Really you can write about anything. It should be personal, but not too personal. Make sure to keep it respectful, appropriate and reasonable, if you wouldn’t say it in person you really shouldn’t add it to your letter.

Birthdays and holidays are perfect opportunities to write to the Duchess, but if you can’t wait that long below are a few ideas:

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  • You could congratulate them on a recent engagement or accomplishment.
  • Write to the Duchess about her inspirational work with children.
  • Share a personal experience where the Duke or Duchess have inspired you, volunteering perhaps.

You should send your letter to this address:

The Duchess of Cambridge
Kensington Palace
London W8 4PU

Finally make sure to keep your return address is crystal clear on the envelope and postage from the US or Canada to the United Kingdom requires a standard International stamp, available at the post office.

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