Why Prince William Will Be A Great King?
According to some totally legit sources, Prince William will become a “good king”, and these are the reasons why.
Mr. Marwick is a well-known palm reader. And according to him, Prince William will be a great king. But how did he get to that conclusion? By studying photos of the Prince’s hand of course. Well, that’s a bold claim, we got to HAND it to him.
He claimed: “Prince William has a practical outlook on life. As a member of the Royal Family, he will spend much time on his duties.
“Routine will always play an important role and take precedence over everything he does.”
Mr. Marwick stated that in some key aspects Prince William takes after his late mother, Princess Diana.
He explained: “William takes after his mother, he is a caring person for his family and others.
“Family life will always be important to him.
“He is well balanced with his emotions although sometimes he may be a little impatient with certain things, in general, William has an even temperament.”
Palm reading is somewhat a family tradition in Mr. Marwick’s family, with both his mother and grandfather practicing the trade. I mean, how can we argue with that?
Mr. Marwick is not only famous for his private work, but also for his TV appearances, as he has made appearances on Sky TV, BBC Radio 4 and BBC television programs. No wonder today’s media is taken as a joke.
Mr. Marwick also added that Prince William’s palm suggests that he can be a worrier at times.
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He stated: “William likes to do his own thing, regardless of what others might suggest to him and he can be a little stubborn at times.
“It is possible that he thinks a little too much at times, and maybe a bit of a worrier.
“Thinking is fine, as long as the thoughts are constructive, otherwise dwelling on them for too long may create pressure on an emotional level.”
One thing that Mr. Marwick is certain is, that Prince William can be very creative.
He asserted: “His palm reading shows that he has a creative imagination that is not always revealed.
“For William, this creative imagination will always be good for him to use in any way that he can to relieve stress.
“He could do this by doing the things in life that he enjoys, especially on a creative level, or through his charity work.”
In other, real news, Prince William is due to attend a submariners remembrance service on Sunday, seeing that he is Commodore-in-Chief of the Submarine Service.
This takes place a week before this year’s Remembrance Sunday, which will mark 100 years since the end of the First World War.