This Is Us: How Jack Pearson Really Died Finally Answered
Ever since the reveal that Jack Pearsons died on This Is Us the fans have wanted details. Tonight, we finally got the answers we were looking for. Hollywood Life shared the details. The show started with the house on fire as he woke up. Jack woke up his wife and then went to get Kate and Randall to his room. It was explained that Kevin was not at home that night and was supposed to be with Sophie.
Jack helped his family out of the house from their second story home. Kate realized that their dog was still in the house so Jack decided to go back for the dog, despite Rebecca thinking he shouldn’t do it. Jack managed to get the dog and escape the house in time. He explained that he got the important stuff from the house.
After this, we are thrust back in present time and the family talked about what they all do now during the Super Bowl without him there. This is a very hard day for the Pearsons family as this year marked 20 years since he passed away. Randall celebrates his dad on this day since this was his fathers favorite day.
Rebecca took Jack in to get him checked out after the fire. The smoke damage was very minor according to the doctor. Jack then realized that they never got the batteries from the smoke detector. And in a shocking turn of event, at this moment Jack goes into cardiac arrest and doesn’t make it. Rebecca was off making hotel reservations and taking care of things when it went down. Kate feels like her father’s death was her fault. She says, “He died because of me. Because in the scariest moments of our lives, he couldn’t bear to disappoint me.” Her father’s death still has an impact on her to this day, and every single year she watches VHS tapes full of memories.
Fans were shocked to watch the death of Jack Pearson and of course, in normal, This Is Us fashion, it was an amazing show. Don’t miss new episodes on Tuesday nights on NBC. Now that Jack Pearson’s death has been explained, it is time for other mysteries on This Is