The Royal Family

Why Princess Charlotte Might Be The First Royal To Leave Isolation

It has been a hard couple of months for the world as a whole. All of us had to adapt to being stuck at home Isolation, all the while trying to keep up with our jobs. But things are looking better. And the first one to actually feel the positive changes might be Princess Charlotte, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s only daughter.

On Sunday, the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson made an announcement that he aims to reopen the schools next month, with the first one returning to Thomas’s Battersea being Princess Charlotte, without her big brother Prince George.

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He further discussed the government plans for the schools, explaining that the reopening would include sending reception, Year 1 and Year 6 pupils back first. Princess Charlotte is Year 1, which means she would be returning to school, rather than continuing with home-schooling. Prince George, on the other hand, is Year 2, so it is still unknown when they will be returning to school according to the government plans.

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The Prime Minister said this during his speech over the weekend: “On step two – at the earliest by June 1 – after half term – we believe we may be in a position to begin the phased reopening of shops and to get primary pupils back into schools, in stages, beginning with reception, Year 1 and Year 6. Our ambition is that secondary pupils facing exams next year will get at least some time with their teachers before the holidays. And we will shortly be setting out detailed guidance on how to make it work in schools and shops and on transport.”

Both Charlotte and George have been keeping up with their studies, thanks to their parents William and Kate, who have been homeschooling them ever since they started self-isolating at their Norfolk home, Anmer Hall. Kate talked about the challenges they faced with this, saying that they had trouble when it came to learning Dame Vera Lynn’s famous anthem We’ll Meet Again in time for VE Day.

As part of VE Day celebrations, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge made a call to Second World War veterans at an East Sussex care home, and while talking to them revealed what George and Charlotte have been learning at school. She said: “The school has set all the children a challenge and they’re currently trying to learn the lyrics to the song We’ll Meet Again… so it’s been really lovely having that playing every day.”

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The song has likely taken on a special meaning for George too, as Kate also shared that he is currently learning about WWII. The Duchess added: “George is just starting to learn about the Second World War. He would be really honoured to come and speak to you, so maybe another time George could have a quick chat with you to hear all your stories as well.”

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